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Primary Manuscripts

Couples' Preferences for "2 in 1" Multipurpose Prevention Technologies to Prevent Both HIV and Pregnancy: Results of a Discrete Choice Experiment in Uganda and Zimbabwe
Minnis AM, Etima J, Musara P, Browne EN, Mutero P, Kemigisha D, Mgodi NM, Nakabiito C, Shapley-Quinn MK, Stoner MCD, Hartmann M, Macagna N, Piper J, van der Straten A. Couples' Preferences for "2 in 1" Multipurpose Prevention Technologies to Prevent Both HIV and Pregnancy: Results of a Discrete Choice Experiment in Uganda and Zimbabwe.
AIDS Behav 2022 Dec;26(12):3848-3861. PMCID: PMC9175528

Other Key Manuscripts

Couples' decision making regarding the use of multipurpose prevention technology (MPT) for pregnancy and HIV prevention
Stoner MCD, Browne EN, Etima J, Musara P, Hartmann M, Shapley-Quinn MK, Kemigisha D, Mutero P, Mgodi NM, Nakabiito C, Bhushan NL, Piper J, van der Straten A, Minnis AM. Couples' decision making regarding the use of multipurpose prevention technology (MPT) for pregnancy and HIV prevention. AIDS Behav 2023 Jan;27(1):198-207. PMCID: PMC9805468

Making the Case for Joint Decision-Making in Future Multipurpose Prevention Technology (MPT) Choice: Qualitative Findings on MPT Attribute Preferences from the CUPID Study (MTN-045)
Bhushan NL, Musara P, Hartmann M, Stoner MCD, Shah SR, Nabukeera J, Rukundo I, Mutero P, Lewis MA, Piper J, Shapley-Quinn MK, Etima J, Minnis AM. Making the Case for Joint Decision-Making in Future Multipurpose Prevention Technology (MPT) Choice: Qualitative Findings on MPT Attribute Preferences from the CUPID Study (MTN-045).
J Int AIDS Soc 2022 Oct;25(10):e26024. PMCID: PMC9577116