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Primary Manuscripts

Safety, uptake, and use of a dapivirine vaginal ring for HIV-1 prevention in African women (HOPE): an open-label, extension study
Baeten JM, Palanee-Phillips T, Mgodi NM, Mayo AJ, Szydlo DW, Ramjee G, Gati Mirembe B, Mhlanga F, Hunidzarira P, Mansoor LE, Siva S, Govender V, Makanani B, Naidoo L, Singh N, Nair G, Chinula L, Parikh UM, Mellors JW, Balán IC, Ngure K, van der Straten A, Scheckter R, Garcia M, Peda M, Patterson K, Livant E, Bunge K, Singh D, Jacobson C, Jiao Y, Hendrix CW, Chirenje ZM, Nakabiito C, Taha TE, Jones J, Torjesen K, Nel A, Rosenberg Z, Soto-Torres LE, Hillier SL, Brown ER; MTN-025/HOPE Study Team. Safety, uptake, and use of a dapivirine vaginal ring for HIV-1 prevention in African women (HOPE): an open-label, extension study. Lancet HIV 2021 Feb;8(2):e87-e95. PMCID: PMC8038210

Other Key Manuscripts

HIV Drug Resistance Assessment among Women who Seroconverted during the MTN-025/HOPE Open-Label Extension Dapivirine Vaginal Ring Trial
Parikh UM, Penrose KJ, Heaps AL, Sethi R, Goetz BJ, Szydlo D, Chandran U, Palanee-Phillips T, Mgodi NM, Baeten JM, Mellors JW; and the MTN-025/HOPE Study Team. HIV Drug Resistance Assessment among Women who Seroconverted during the MTN-025/HOPE Open-Label Extension Dapivirine Vaginal Ring Trial. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2023 Sep 20. Epub ahead of print

Integrating Gender-Based Violence Screening and Support into the Research Clinic Setting: Experiences from an HIV Prevention Open-Label Extension Trial in Sub-Saharan Africa
Garcia M, Roberts ST, Mayo AJ, Scheckter R, Mansoor LE, Palanee-Phillips T, Reddy K, Naidoo Y, Akello CA, Gaffoor Z, Siva S, Rushwaya C, Hlahla K, Jambaya J, Makoni R, Kachale E, Ndovie M, Zuma J, Montgomery ET; MTN-025/HOPE study team. Integrating Gender-Based Violence Screening and Support into the Research Clinic Setting: Experiences from an HIV Prevention Open-Label Extension Trial in Sub-Saharan Africa. AIDS Behav 2023 Apr;27(4):1277-1286. PMCID: PMC10036410

Correlates of Dapivirine Vaginal Ring Acceptance among Women Participating in an Open Label Extension Trial
Mirembe BG, Cabrera MV, van der Straten A, Nakalega R, Cobbing M, Mgodi NM, Palanee-Phillips T, Mayo AJ, Dadabhai S, Mansoor LE, Siva S, Nair G, Chinula L, Akello CA, Nakabiito C, Soto-Torres LE, Baeten JM, Brown ER. Correlates of Dapivirine Vaginal Ring Acceptance among Women Participating in an Open Label Extension Trial. AIDS Behav 2023 Mar;27(3):1030-1043. PMCID: PMC10102709

Women's experience receiving drug feedback and adherence counseling in MTN-025/HOPE - an HIV Prevention open-label trial of the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring
Katz AWK, Balán IC, Reddy K, Etima J, Weber K, Tauya T, Atujuna M, Scheckter R, Ngure K, Soto-Torres L, Mgodi N, Palanee-Phillips T, Baeten JM, van der Straten A. Women's experience receiving drug feedback and adherence counseling in MTN-025/HOPE - an HIV Prevention open-label trial of the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring. AIDS Behav 2022 May 10. 
AIDS Behav 2022 Nov;26(11):3607-3619. PMCID: PMC9561023

Integration of a Relationship-focused Counseling Intervention with Delivery of the Dapivirine Ring for HIV Prevention to Women in Johannesburg: Results of the CHARISMA Pilot Study
Montgomery ET, Roberts ST, Reddy K, Tolley E, Hartmann M, Wilson E, Mathebula F, Wagner LD, Zissette S, Lanham M, Wilcher R, Baeten JM, Palanee-Phillips T. Integration of a Relationship-focused Counseling Intervention with Delivery of the Dapivirine Ring for HIV Prevention to Women in Johannesburg: Results of the CHARISMA Pilot Study.
AIDS Behav 2022 Mar;26(3):752-763. PMCID: PMC8840958

Impact of Women's Home Environment on Use of the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring for HIV Prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa
Gichane MW, Katz AWK, Ngure K, Scheckter R, Woeber K, Reddy K, Tauya T, Zimba C, Etima J, Mangxilana N, Palanee-Phillips T, van der Straten A; MTN-025/HOPE Study Team. Impact of Women's Home Environment on Use of the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring for HIV Prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa. AIDS Behav 2021 Dec;25(12):3847-3857. PMCID: PMC8602444

The Influence of Perceived Dapivirine Vaginal Ring Effectiveness on Social Disclosure and Ring Adherence
Stoner MCD, Brown ER, Palanee-Phillips T, Mansoor LE, Tembo T, Nair G, Akello C, Seyama L, Jeenarain N, Naidoo L, Mgodi N, Hunidzarira P, Chitukuta M, van der Straten A; MTN-020 ASPIRE and M-025 HOPE study teams. The Influence of Perceived Dapivirine Vaginal Ring Effectiveness on Social Disclosure and Ring Adherence. AIDS Behav 2021 Dec;25(12):4169-4179. PMCID: PMC8563504

Client-centered Adherence Counseling with Adherence Measurement Feedback to Support Use of the Dapivirine Ring in MTN-025 (The HOPE Study)
Balán IC, Giguere R,  Lentz C, Kutner , Kajura-Manyindo  C, Byogero R, Biira Asiimwe F, Makala Y, Jambaya J , Khanyile N, Chetty  D, Soto-Torres L, Mayo A, Mgodi NM, Palanee-Phillips T, Baeten JM  and the MTN-025 (HOPE Study) Team. Client-centered Adherence Counseling with Adherence Measurement Feedback to Support Use of the Dapivirine Ring in MTN-025 (The HOPE Study). AIDS Behav 2021 Feb;25(2):447-458. PMCID: PMC7855635

Implementation of a fidelity monitoring process to assess delivery of an evidence-based adherence counseling intervention in a multi-site biomedical HIV prevention study
Balán IC, Lentz C, Giguere R, Mayo AJ, Rael CT, Soto-Torres L, Palanee-Phillips T, Mgodi NM, Hillier S, Baeten JM; MTN-025/HOPE Study Team. Implementation of a fidelity monitoring process to assess delivery of an evidence-based adherence counseling intervention in a multi-site biomedical HIV prevention study. AIDS Care 2020;32(9):1082-1091. PMCID: PMC7332390

Publication Policies
HOPE Publication Policy (Download) 2018-01-25872.14 KB
Qualitative Concept Mentorship Application (Download) 2016-04-1215.94 KB